Your guide to... Play

Your guide to... Play
Do you struggle to know how to get involved in your child’s play?
Are you stuck for ideas as to how to initiate play with and for your child?
During this guide to play we will:
Look at why play is important for your child in all areas of their development.
Give you some ideas, hints and tips about how to play along with some suggestions as to how you can set up ‘invitations to play’ for your child.
Explore the benefits of playing outside and how to adapt activities for different age groups.
Talk about how play can teach children about sharing as well as giving you some suggestions for suitable age and stage related toys!
You will also receive a detailed factsheet, designed to be read alongside the video, which includes links for useful resources and suggestions for further reading. You will need a smart phone or computer to view the PDF factsheet and this will need to be downloaded within 24 hours of making your purchase.