A bespoke service because every family is unique…


“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children" – Nelson Mandela



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What to look for when choosing a nursery and how to prepare your child/ren (and you) for their first day!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. There are lots of different types of nurseries to choose from – large, small, independent, chain, attached to a school, forest school, Montessori etc. You need to think about what type of nursery will best suit you and your child. Another key thing to consider is location – will you, for example, have enough time to drop off and pick up before going to work? Can you walk to the nursery if this is something that would work for you?

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Using white noise for your little one’s sleep

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. White noise is something which is mentioned a great deal when talking about sleep and especially the sleep of babies and young children.

It’s important to note that while white noise can help to settle your little one for sleep it often needs to be used alongside other approaches such as a pre-sleep time routine, which white noise can form a part of. Have a look at our other sleep blogs which include lots of information about sleep for young babies, sleep associations, early waking, naps and much more.

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Travel or motion sickness - how to help (and get rid of the smell from the car!)

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. In the last year, while we have been in lockdown, we haven’t been travelling long distances or using transport as much as we might have previously. This means that a lot of our babies and children are not used to travelling in a vehicle and we have recently had lots more parents asking us about motion sickness. As this is a situation lots of families are dealing with at the moment we thought that we would put a blog together all about it!

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Tummy time!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Tummy time is something that you have probably read about or seen mentioned when it comes to your newborn. In this blog I hope to give you some ideas on how to do this and discuss the benefits of tummy time for your little one.

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My child only wants me!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Our children can be very set on things at times and this can even be in relation to wanting one parent to do everything for them and to be with them all the time. We can often find in these situations that we have one parent who seems to be favoured over the other.

This behaviour can be extremely draining for the ‘preferred’ parent at the time and can be very difficult (and upsetting at times) for the other parent (the ‘rejected’ one) who feels that they are not wanted or, sometimes, not even liked or loved.

We must remember that this is not about who your child does or doesn’t like, it is all about your child learning and developing, which includes learning what relationships feel like and how to manage them. They are practicing something that they will have to deal with for years to come through friendships, relationships and also with work colleagues. It is all about making sense of how and why we feel what we do!

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When should my child be dry at night?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. The important thing to remember is that under the age of 5 it is completely normal for some children to not be dry through the night. Try not to worry about this as for most children this will develop by the time they are 5.

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Potty training regression – is it normal?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. This has to be one of the main questions I get asked a couple of weeks after a parent feels that their little one has mastered potty training. There is a quiet confidence that you get when you have had several days or weeks without any accidents, but then suddenly it is like you have gone back to when you first started potty/toilet training; your little one is having accidents and in some cases they don’t seem to be worried or upset by it, if anything some can seem to find it funny.

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Back to school and nursery after Lockdown: what can we do to help?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. The last 12 months have been such a strange time and we are all adjusting after spending so much time at home with our family members (possibly more than ever before). We have had to make changes so that we have been able to manage the situation and by doing this we have got into new routines and hopefully made home a place where we can feel safe and secure.

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Writing a will and what you need to consider…

In conversation with Dani King from Wellingborough Wills. Why, as a parent, should I make a will? When you have children, it is vital that you consider who you would want to take care of them if you were to no longer be around. There is a common misconception that children will automatically be placed with relatives, or the people that you would choose. In reality, it is up to the courts to decide. Your relatives may apply to become the legal guardian, which the courts may grant if they feel they are a fit person for the role, but they may decide that they are not suitable and your children could be placed into foster care until a suitable home is found. It is best practice to write a will and nominate chosen guardians instead. These can be friends, relatives, whoever you choose. Choosing the right guardians can be a challenge for many parents, some key things to consider is their existing relationship with your children, their location, their beliefs and if they align with yours, their age, health status and finances.

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