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“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children" – Nelson Mandela



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Posts in Other
Should I make my child hug people?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. This is something that most parents have to deal with at some time or another with their child/ren and family members. Hugs and kisses are a way in which we show our affection to each other and often, as adults, we will greet people or say goodbye with a hug or a kiss, but we often know when not to as this isn’t something everyone feels comfortable with.

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How do I do bedtime with my toddler and baby?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant.Bedtime and the lead up to it can feel like quite a juggling act especially when you have more than one child to do your bedtime routine with.

This time of the day is often when we want things to be calm and to be able to give our children opportunities for one-to-one time, but it doesn’t always happen that way! At the end of the day everyone (including you!) is tired, and bedtime might not always go as you would hope…but that’s ok! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself - it can take time to find what works and it will evolve over time as your little ones get older.

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How do I prepare my child for moving house?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. They say that moving house can be one of the most stressful things you can do…if you then add in supporting children when moving house, it really can be a challenging time! In this blog I am going to give you some ideas as to how you can make the whole process easier for your child/ren and you!

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Choosing childcare that is right for you and your child

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. It can feel so daunting when it comes to choosing childcare - there are so many options! Whatever your reason is for needing childcare it is important that it suits you and your child/ren’s needs. In this blog I am going to talk you through the different options of childcare and why they may (or may not) be right for you.

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Why we all need to cry sometimes!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Crying is typically seen as something which is negative; something that we do when we are sad, upset, angry, frustrated etc. However, there are times when we cry for other reasons and often a ‘good cry’ can actually make us feel better..!

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‘Fall back’ – how to prepare your child for the October clock change!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. The day when clocks change is coming up and it can always be a worry that this is going to have an effect, meaning all your hard work on getting a good sleep routine in place could be ruined. Fear not! There are some easy ways to keep this on track!

This blog specifically focusses on the clock change that we have in October, where we ‘fall back’ and gain an extra hour…or we hope that this would be the case but not always so when we have little ones.

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My child always cries when I drop them at nursery

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. When your little one goes to nursery one of the most common things that any parent or carer has to deal with, is your little one crying when you drop them off. For some it can start before even leaving home and your little one saying they don’t want to go or getting very upset (I was this child and my parents still remember it now!) and for others it is once you are at nursery and having to say those goodbyes.

I spent 10 years working in nurseries and have supported hundreds of families through this difficult stage, it does get easier and there are some things that you can try to help…

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My baby/child hates bath time!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant.It is very often the case that your child, who loved having a bath all of a sudden stops wanting to go in! We often see bath time as that ‘wind down’ opportunity before bedtime and when our little one refuses to get in or gets upset we can worry that this might affect bedtime etc.

Please be reassured that some children will go through this phase, it can be normal and it is all about their stage of development at the time.

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What to look for when choosing a nursery and how to prepare your child/ren (and you) for their first day!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. There are lots of different types of nurseries to choose from – large, small, independent, chain, attached to a school, forest school, Montessori etc. You need to think about what type of nursery will best suit you and your child. Another key thing to consider is location – will you, for example, have enough time to drop off and pick up before going to work? Can you walk to the nursery if this is something that would work for you?

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