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“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children" – Nelson Mandela



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My friends are expecting twins - what can I do to help?

By Victoria Morrell, Twins Trust. It can be exciting hearing that friends are expecting twins. Cute images may pop into your mind and you can’t help think of matching outfits and double everything! It’s a life changing experience and your friends will need you more than ever before.

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How do I keep calm when my little one is having a meltdown?

By Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. When our little ones have meltdowns / tantrums / outbursts it can be extremely triggering for us. It can mean that we respond emotionally and not always in the way that we would want to. We need to be kind to ourselves and understand we are only human and that sometimes our emotions can go into overdrive and make us respond to situations in ways which we don’t expect or plan for.

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What should I have in my first aid kit?

Written by Sunny Dhain, Pharmacist, The Family Chemist. A first aid box or bag is an essential piece of family kit to have everything to hand for those little accidents and illnesses that pop up from time to time. But it’s not something we always think of packing when popping out with our little ones. So what should you consider keeping in a first aid kit both in the home and on the go?

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Summer activities!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. The summer can feel like an endless time for parents and trying to think of things to keep children entertained without everything costing the earth.

We can’t guarantee the weather (although July this year has been quite something!) and so we need to have options for both indoor and outdoor activities.

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How to support children's speech and language development

Written by Charlotte Hall, Speech Therapy with Charlotte. Speech and language development is so important because it really underpins everything else. If a child is unable to express themselves or understand what others are saying, they will find it difficult to thrive academically, form meaningful relationships and achieve positive mental wellbeing.

But what can we do to support young children’s speech and language development?

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My child keeps getting out of bed…help!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Has your child recently moved from a cot to a bed, and now keeps getting up to come and find you? This can be a very common situation that parents find themselves in and often a child can go from sleeping well in their cot to being awake several times per night and refusing to stay in their bed!

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Coping with children’s sickness bugs

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. This is something which parents and carers dread! Dealing with sickness and/or diarrhoea is never something which we enjoy, but it is something which can come part and parcel with little ones.

Sickness and diarrhoea is common in children and adults. It can often be triggered due to a stomach bug, and sickness can normally last between 24-48 hours. The symptoms of diarrhoea can sometimes last for 5-7 days.

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My child has hay fever, what can I do to help?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Hay fever is a reaction to pollen which happens when pollen comes into contact with the mouth, nose, eyes or throat. Pollen from trees, grass and flowers can cause irritation, and in some cases make your little one feel quite poorly. Hay fever typically affects individuals between March and September and this can be when the pollen count is at its highest.

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What children with an autism diagnosis have taught me

Written by Cheryl Bedding, Aperion SEND Training and Consultancy. When we think of a child with additional needs, challenging behaviours, special needs or delayed development what do we think? Do we think what can we learn from them, how fascinating, how amazing to see the world differently from everyone else, how can they enhance my life? Probably not. It’s more likely that we think or see barriers, we see problems, we see how this will affect the way we work, the time we need to give for support, the possible referrals process and the challenges the child will be facing.

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