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How do I get my toddler to understand my C-Section?


Navigating life with a toddler after a C-section can be challenging, especially when it comes to helping them understand your recovery. Here are some practical tips to make the transition smoother for both you and your little one:

Show and explain
Before baby arrives take time to explain that after baby comes you are going to have a sore tummy etc.  Talk about this regularly in the lead up to the birth so that they have an understanding of what might be coming.  After your C-Section, when baby is here, gently show your little one the dressing on your tummy and explain in simple, age-appropriate terms what happened. You might say something like, "I have got a sore tummy because the doctor helped bring the baby out and so we need to be gentle with it."

Preparation is key
Before your C-section, encourage your toddler to be more independent with activities like climbing into their car seat or onto the sofa. Make sure that tasks like nappy changes can be done on the floor to avoid unnecessary lifting. Think ahead about ways to reduce the need for lifting and straining, for example, use a step to help your toddler climb into the bath or onto the sofa. Prepare activities you can enjoy with your little one together at the table or while sitting down, such as reading, drawing, or playing with puzzles. Having these things in place before the baby arrives will help to make your recovery period much easier and also help with the transition for your little one.

Cuddles without lifting
Cuddles are essential for both you and your toddler, but after a C-section it will be difficult to lift them up. Explain to your toddler that picking them up might hurt your tummy, so you'll have to find other ways to cuddle. Suggest sitting down together for a cuddle on the sofa or a chair by saying something like, "I can see you need a cuddle, but I need to sit down because picking you up might hurt my tummy. Let’s have a cuddle on this chair”

Avoid blaming baby
It's important to ensure that your toddler doesn't associate the new baby with the changes in what you can and can’t do. Rather than saying you can't lift them because of the baby, focus on the reason being your sore tummy. This will help to prevent any feelings of resentment or jealousy towards their new sibling.

Protective measures
In the early days, when cuddles are essential, but your tummy is still healing, consider placing a pillow or cushion over your tummy for added protection. This way, your toddler can still snuggle close without causing you any discomfort.

 By explaining, preparing, and finding creative solutions, you can help your toddler adjust to the changes that come with your C-section recovery while keeping your bond with them strong. Remember, your recovery is just as important, so take the time you need and lean on your support system when necessary.

If you are interested in finding out more about about welcoming and caring for your newborn, have a look at our video guides . For more information - click here.

Don’t forget that we offer parent consultations should you need support with anything from sleep to behaviour and so much more! Details of the packages we offer can be found here.

We also have a podcast - ‘Newborn to Teen and Everything in Between’ - listen here.